Wednesday, July 2, 2008


1-prun - proc tools
2-ps - report process status
3-ptree - proc tools
4-pwd - return working directory name
5-rcp - remote file copy
6-rdist - remote file distribution program
7-read - read a line from standard input
8-readonly - shell built-in function to protect the value of the given variable from reassignment
9-regex - match patterns against a string
10-renice - alter priority of running processes
11-repeat - shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute action(s) for a selected number of times 12-reset - establish or restore terminal characteristics
13-return - shell built-in functions to enable the execution of the shell to advance beyond its sequence of steps
14-rksh - KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming language
15-rlogin - remote login
16-rm - remove directory entries
17-rmdir - remove directory entries
18-roles - print roles granted to a user
19-rsh - remote shell
20-run - run an executable
21-sed - stream editor
22-select - shell built-in functions to choose from among a list of actions
23-set - shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
24-set - set and unset local or global environment variables
25-setenv - shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
26-setfacl - modify the Access Control List (ACL) for a file or files
27-settime - change file access and modification times
28-sh - Borne shell: standard and job control shell and command interpreter
29-shell - run a command using shell
30-shell_builtins - shell command interpreter built-in functions
31-shift - shell built-in function to traverse either a shell's argument list or a list of field-separated words
32-shutdown - close down the system at a given time
33-sleep - suspend execution for an interval
34-sort - sort, merge, or sequence check text files
35-spell - report spelling errors
36-split - split a file into pieces
37-ssh(1) – OpenSSH secure shell client (remote login program)
38-stop - control process execution
39-strings - find printable strings in an object or binary file
40-stty - set the options for a terminal
41-sum - print checksum and block count for a file
42-sum - calculate a checksum for a file
43-suspend - shell built-in function to halt the current shell
44-switch - shell built-in functions to choose from among a list of actions
45-tail - deliver the last part of a file
46-talk - talk to another user
47-tar - create tape archives and add or extract files
48-tee - replicate the standard output
49-telnet - user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol
50-test - evaluate condition(s) or make execution of actions dependent upon the evaluation of condition(s)
51-tftp - trivial file transfer program
52-time - time a simple command
53-times - shell built-in function to report time usages of the current shell
54-timex - time a command; report process data and system activity
55-tip - connect to remote system
56-touch - change file access and modification times
57-touch - change file access and modification times
58-tr - translate characters
59-trap - shell built-in functions to respond to (hardware) signals
60-troff - typeset or format documents
61-truss - trace system calls and signals
62-tsort - topological sort
63-tty - return user's terminal name
64-type - write a description of command type
65-typeset - shell built-in functions to set/get attributes and values for shell variables and functions
66-ufsdump(1M) – incremental file system dump
67-ufsrestore(1M) – incremental file system restore
68-umask - get or set the file mode creation mask
69-unalias - create or remove a pseudonym or shorthand for a command or series of commands
70-uname - print name of current system
71-uncompress - compress, uncompress files or display expanded files
72-unexpand - expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa
73-uniq - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
74-units - converts quantities expressed in standard scales to other scales
75-unix2dos - convert text file from ISO format to DOS format
76-unpack - compress and expand files
77-unset - shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
78-unset - set and unset local or global environment variables
79-unsetenv - shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
80-until - shell built-in functions to repetitively execute a set of actions while/until conditions are evaluated TRUE
81-uptime - show how long the system has been up
82-users(1B) – display a compact list of users logged in
83-uudecode - encode a binary file, or decode its encoded representation
84-uuencode - encode a binary file, or decode its encoded representation
85-vacation - reply to mail automatically
86-vi - screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex
87-view - screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex
88-vipw - edit the password file
89-volcancel - cancel user's request for removable media that is not currently in drive
90-volcheck - checks for media in a drive and by default checks all floppy media
91-volmissing - notify user that volume requested is not in the CD-ROM or floppy drive
92-volrmmount - call rmmount to mount or unmount media
93-w - display information about currently logged-in users
94-wait - await process completion
95-wc - display a count of lines, words and characters in a file
96-what - extract SCCS version information from a file
97-whatis - display a one-line summary about a keyword
98-whence - shell built-in functions to set/get attributes and values for shell variables and functions
99-whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
100-which - locate a command; display its pathname or alias
101-while - shell built-in functions to repetitively execute a set of actions while/until conditions are evaluated TRUE
102-who - who is on the system
103-whoami - display the effective current username
104-whois - Internet user name directory service
105-write - write to another user
106-xargs - construct argument lists and invoke utility
107-yacc - yet another compiler-compiler
108-yes(1) – generate repetitive affirmative output
109-zcat - compress, uncompress files or display expanded files

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