Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Some basic / useful commands are as follows :

While NOT yet connected to MySQL :

- connect to MySQL

mysql -uUsername -pPassword

- connect to MySQL , directly to a database

mysql -uUsername -pPassword DbName

- upload a MySQL schema into my Database

mysql -uUsername -pPassword DbName < schema.sql

- dump a DB (copy DB for backup)

mysql -uUsername -pPassword DbName > contents-of-db.sql

While connected to MySQL :

- display all databases

show databases;

- connect to a Database

use DbName;

- view tables of a Database (must be connected to the Database)

show tables;

- view contents of a table (must be connected to the Database)

select * from TableName;

Thoughts related to the above

- If you want to be prompted for your password rather then type
it in the command line directly, just use -p vs -pPassword

- If you are not using MySQL as your local host, use the -h option so :

mysql -uUsername -p -hHostname

- Keep in mind that there are many ways to do everything in
most programs, languages ... MySQL included.

- A useful Alias is as follows. You'd put this in your .bashrc
file which is usually located in your user root directory (~username/)

alias my='mysql -uUsername -p'

that way it cuts down on typing. for example, to connect to a
db you just do :

my DbName

and then enter your password (DON'T store your MySQL
password in .bashrc!!!)

- Using a ' ; ' after a command while in MySQL executes that command


This should get you going ... ;)

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